
RanchHandTM Software

Better Decisions, Better Data, Better Animals

Activating Your License for RanchHand


This video shows how to activate your license for RanchHand.  If you have purchased RanchHand the activation is a one-time operation.  If you are running the trial then the activation will only last for two weeks.  In this video, we will download the software, install it, and then activate the license.  Additionally, we will show […]

Creating a New RanchHand Dataset


RanchHand stores all of its data into Datasets.  Learn how to create a new Dataset. Timestamps: 0:01 Introduction 0:13 What is a Dataset 0:25 Create a New Dataset 2:57 Select a Dataset 3:20 Wrap up

Creating and Using the RanchHand Sample Dataset


A Sample Dataset is a Dataset that is prepopulated with Animals and other data such as Health Treatments and Breeding records.  It is helpful to use a Sample Dataset when learning RanchHand to see the screens and reports with animal data already in them.  Additionally, you can experiment and make changes to the data without […]

Transferring Existing Data Into RanchHand

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Call us to find out the next step in transferring your existing animal records to RanchHand. If you have your data in another cattle management application, Breed Association export, or even a private spreadsheet we can transfer it to RanchHand. Included with the purchase of RanchHand. You can reach us at 979-803-1615.

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